Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 6, 2010

Digital Light & Color Picture Window Pro v4.0.1.11(Chỉnh sửa ảnh kĩ thuật số một cách chuyên nghiệp)

Digital Light & Color Picture Window Pro v4.0.1.11(Chỉnh sửa ảnh kĩ thuật số một cách chuyên nghiệp)

Digital Light & Color Picture Window Pro v4.0.1.11
Picture Window Pro is a powerful photo editing tool designed for serious photographers with demanding creative and quality standards.
It provides a comprehensive set of photo manipulation and retouching tools which allow you to control and shape every aspect of your images and to create high quality prints, page layouts, multimedia electronic slide shows and other forms of output. Its new Workflow features allow you to easily work with the flood of images digital cameras can produce.
Feature Highlights
- Over 50 image editing filters and tools
- Advanced tools like selective color control, sharpening with noise reduction and more
- Full support for 48 bit images and color management
- Batch Workflow for automated image editing
- Built-in RAW image support
- Extensive browsing, organizing, and file navigation features
- Easy transfer of images from camera to computer
- Flexible print-size control, album layout, and electonic slide show
- Background processing for better performance

Pro Features

* Image Editing
- Full control over all color and black+white image parameters
- Choice of quick and easy slider controls or full featured curves and histograms
- Full support for 48 bit color/16 bit B+W
- Full color management support
- RAW file support — fully integrated with browsing and editing
- Powerful curves and histograms for brightness and color channels
- Advanced resizing algorithms including Bicubic and Lanczos
- Blur and sharpening including Unsharp Mask
- Advanced sharpening with noise reduction, auto de-specking, selective application
- Corrections including chromatic aberration, barrel, pincushion, light falloff, perspective
- Selective Color control for adjusting selected color while leaving overall balance undisturbed
- Image stacker for combining bracketed exposures for extended dynamic range
- Full set of freehand tools — brush, clone, speck removal, dodge & burn

* NEW Batch Workflows
- Batch workflows allow you to automate many common tasks. Here are some of the things you can do:
- Apply repetitive editing operations to a batch of images
- Resize images for e-mailing or posting on the web
- Convert images to different file types
- Rename images with meaningful names
- Add EXIF descriptions and keywords
- Save images into folders based on date

* NEW Load, Preview Images
- Batch workflows allow you to automate many common tasks. Here are some of the things you can do:
- Senses camera memory cards and optionally launches image transfer workflow — helps keep your images organized
- Preview images in slide-show fashion
- Tag images with OK and reject marks to separate the keepers from the losers

* Masking & Composite Images
- Extensive tools for creating masks (selections)
- Use of masks for selective application of most transformations
- Full support for composite images with precise alignment, rotation, scaling, and perspective control of overlay images

* Special Effects
- Posterize, tint, emboss, kaleidoscope, spiral, tile, text, calendar and more.

* Image Library & Browse Functions
- Thumbnail display of images — simply drag and drop to open
- Create new folders and organize images without leaving Picture Window
- Print index prints, including CD & DVD case formats for archiving

* Printing & Output
- Color managed printing with full control over borders, image size and cropping in print dialog
- Poster printing option prints single image over multiple sheets
- Slide show with sound, captions & descriptions — playback via web browser for easy sharing

* Photo Album
- Automatic layout of images in choice of standard sizes — layout an entire memory card
- Very flexible manual layout — create your own photo essays, even whole albums
- Easy multi-page multi-image per page printing
- Integrated with PW editing functions — edit images directly from the album

System Requirements
Picture Window Pro 4.0 requires Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, Win 2000, Win 2003, or Vista.
(For Win 95/98/ME, use PWP 3.5.)
1 GHz or faster Pentium or Athlon processor and 250 MB of memory is recommended.

Link + Crack:

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